Bad Credit Personal Loans are readily available across the country even if you have experienced credit problems such as in bankruptcies, delinquencies, foreclosures, repossessions or other adverse credit problems. Personal loans are usually easy to qualify for and re-payments can be flexible and even affordable. Bad credit loans are classified into two groups, secured and unsecured, with the intention to make it even easier to get the loan you need. Personal loans are suppose to be used for personal needs, not for business related needs, but other than that they do not have any specific requirements.
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Secured Personal Loans
Secured personal loans for bad credit usually have lower monthly payments and will generally have lower rates of interest. If the value of the property that is used for collateral for the loan is more than your loan amount, then the interest rate can be very low. Lenders have much less risk since the loan will be secured by the customers property, so they think it will be less likely the borrower will miss payments or default on the loan.
Unsecured Personal Loans
An unsecured personal loan lender is one who provides lending without requiring any form of collateral. Unsecured personal loans can take less time to get the cash you need but if you have bad credit it can be much more expensive due to high interest rates. Unsecured loans are readily available for both renters or home owners. An unsecured loan requires no property owner-ship or collateral for approvals.
Two things about bad credit personal loans are sure, the high rate of interest that will be charged on the loan, and the requirement of a down payment or collateral if you have a bad credit history . If used wisely this type of loan can be the first step for those in financial troubles to get back on their feet. Compare lenders today and see what type of loan is right for you.