A bad credit rating can be the kind of problem that feeds on itself, growing bigger and bigger until it becomes impossible to handle. Such a rating makes it nearly impossible to purchase expensive items, like cars or homes without either a large amount of cash or some kind of equally expensive collateral.
A Bad Credit Remedy
Debt consolidation loans are a solution many are turning toward to solve bad credit issues. This is a loan, which means borrowing more money, so it should only be taken as a last resort, such as avoiding bankruptcy. When bad credit is so bad that it is impossible to get a loan anymore, a debt consolidation loan can be the first step to restoring financial stability. The debt consolidation money goes into paying back all other debts, leaving only the consolidation loan itself to be repaid. Through regular monthly installments, the consolidation loan will be paid back to the lender, at a lower interest rate. This lower interest rate allows for quicker repayment and faster restoration of a low credit rating.
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How a Secured Consolidation Loan Works
Secured consolidation loans require large assets as collateral, such as a home. This is the easiest way to secure a loan, because it is less risk to the lender. As the debt is paid off, it will take about six months to a year to restore the borrower's credit rating, allowing him or her to get back to life as normal - hopefully with a better perspective on financial matters.
How an Unsecured Consolidation Loan Works
Applicants without assets to put up as collateral can still apply for an unsecured consolidation loan. This type of loan bears a higher rate of interest and offers less money, but there is no threat of repossession. It will still allow a debtor to pay off other outstanding debts.
What Can Be Paid Off with a Debt Consolidation Loan?
Anything that might reflect poorly on the borrower's credit rating can be paid off with the debt consolidation loan. This usually includes such things as credit cards and medical bills, but can also be car payments or credit lines maxed out from shopping. A consolidation loan will pay these in full, which begins the process of repairing credit. There will be no more phone calls requesting immediate payment from various creditors, after a bad credit loan is taken out. There will also no longer be high interest rates that make full repayment near impossible. The consolidation company works with the borrower to ensure that the repayment schedule is reasonable and as quickly resolved as possible.
A Revived Credit Rating
The moment the old debts are paid off with the loan, restoration begins on the borrower's credit rating. After only six months to a year, there will be a marked improvement upon the credit rating. Every person who takes out debt consolidation will have the loan and the repayment schedule individual tailored to fulfill his or her financial needs.