People with bad credit need money just like everyone else. The problem is that they should not be resorting to bad credit loans, just like they are advised to do by the companies providing these loans. When you already have bad credit, you should not take a chance with new loans that could cause you fall deeper in to debt.
There are a lot of people who are financing their loans with new loans. This is called refinancing, but when you do this to actually finance the monthly payments of your loans, it is called bad financing. You are falling deeper in to debt by taking new loans that will not cover completely the older ones. Instead of one monthly payment you will soon have two and eventually three, until you are filing bankruptcy.
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When you have bad credit and need money now, think carefully. Do you really need the money that bad? Do you need a loan for it? Can't you go and ask your parents of friends for some money to make it through to the end of the month? Be honest to them about why you need the money and they will lend it to you. And if they realise that you are in big trouble they won't be expecting it back the next month.
Making some adjustments to your spending habits can take some time, but it will be worth it. By learning to live with less you will be doing yourself a favour for the rest of your life.