Since traditional lenders and dealerships don't deal with loans for people with bad credit, you will have to face unknown lenders that will of course charge higher rates and fees due to bad credit. However, you need to know where you stand because you may get overcharged a lot without noticing by falling to many tricks that some lenders put into practice in order to deceive customers.
Non Traditional Lenders
As explained above, it is not possible to obtain finance with bad credit from traditional lenders or from car dealerships. Those lenders tend to escape from risky financial transactions and thus won't lend money to people with defaults or a bankruptcy on their credit histories. Thus, if you need finance to purchase your car and your credit score is too low, you'll need to search for alternative lenders.
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The best place to find lenders is the internet. You can do a quick search for bad credit loans and many different alternatives will be presented to you as a result. However, you need to bear in mind that there are lenders that will charge you exorbitant interest rates or other fees and that you need to stay away from those lenders unless you don't mind being overcharged when you could obtain financing with more reasonable costs.
Interest Rates And Hidden Fees
When comparing bad credit car loans, make sure to pay special attention to the APR. The APR is a rate that includes almost every interest rate, fee, cost that the loan comprises. Thus, it will help you compare the loans and see which one is the most advantageous alternative for you and your budget.
Beware of hidden fees and costs that may be included in the loan contract without you noticing them. Some lenders present the loans in terms of payments every $1000 dollars to conceal high interest rates. For example: $40 monthly every $1000 dollars for a 60 months bad credit car loan may sound very tempting but after doing your math, you'll notice that the interest rate of such a loan is: 48% on an annual basis and 240% on the overall loan repayment program.
Comparing Is The Magic Word
In order to obtain the best terms possible on your bad credit loan you'll need to compare what the different lenders have to offer and in order to do so you can analyze the loan by comparing the APRs, the loan repayment programs and the resulting monthly payments to see which one best accommodates to your budget and needs.
Only by comparing you'll notice which lenders are overcharging and which ones are charging a reasonable interest rate and offering advantageous loan terms. Once you've selected the car loan you want, just contact the lender and wait for a response to your loan request.