If you are a business that is already in operation, and provided that you accept credit cards, you can almost always get an unsecured bad credit business loan. This is due to the fact that there are a number of lenders that are willing to provide you with a line of credit based on how much money that you have in credit card charges on a monthly basis. It should be noted that most of these lenders will attach their automated clearing house account to your merchant account. Each time that you conduct a transaction, a small portion of the charge will be automatically redirected to the lender. This is one of the ways that they are able to ensure that they receive the money they are owned on an ongoing basis. The risk for them is that a business may not go as planned, and they may lose their capital investment. As such, if you have credit issues then this is one of the best ways that you can receive financing for your small business.
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One of the other ways that you can get a bad credit business loan is to work with a private lender. A private lender will look directly at your business rather that your personal credit history. However, and as we have mentioned before, the costs related to obtaining a private investor loan can be somewhat high. This is due to the fact that there is an additional level of risk for the lender. In these instances, you may want to provide a certain level of collateral security to your private investor. If you have a significant amount of tangible assets without a lien then you may be able to negotiate a much better interest rate with a private lender.
Finally, in almost all circumstances where you are seeking an unsecured bad credit business loan you are going to be required to have a business plan. Your business plans should be perfect, as again, you are seeking to obtain credit solely based on your business and not your previous credit history. Your business plan should have a detailed profit and loss statement, cash flow analysis, balance sheet, and a break down of how you intend to use the bad credit loan funds for your business. As always, we strongly recommend that you work with a certified public accountant as well as an attorney when you are reviewing documents related to a bad credit business loan as there may be clauses that you will need to adhere to at all times.