When you apply for an auto loan the easiest and fastest way to get the car you want is to have great credit. The reality is, the number of 'AAA' credit customers (those with high FICO credit scores usually above 720) walking through the auto dealers doors looking for vehicles are getting fewer and fewer.
Another fact is, borrowers with 'bad to very bad' credit are purchasing vehicles every day, new and used vehicles at all price ranges. So can you. The ball's in your court.
Here are 3 reasons you should not let your bad credit stop you from shopping for the car you really want - even with bad credit it's highly likely you may be able to arrange financing
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Banks Need The Business
In a tight economy, banks still need regular business to make money; after all, they are in the business of issuing loans. The more people become 'credit challenged' the less strict banks tend to be. They are willing to compete by servicing you bad credit loan simply because the supply of AAA 'borrowers' or high credit score applicants is dwindling.
An Auto Loan is a Very Secure
Whether the banks admit it or not, a car is tangible collateral and can be easily repossessed so they are more willing to finance it based on the class of asset it is. If push comes to shove, the repo man will take your vehicle right from your driveway - if you default on payments. When the lender knows he can reclaim an asset - your vehicle - they're more likely to push your bad credit loan through the system.
The Auto Business is Fiercely Competitive
Market Share is what all major automakers want however that dwindled tremendously for American automakers in the last decade. Look at Ford Motor company and GM, they are getting beat up by foreign car makers so a bad credit customer is valuable to them - if it means a sale.
For many dealers it's more important to have a high quantity of vehicles sold rather than a high profit margin on every vehicle " sold out the door". In this case many dealers do much of the financing "In House". They need the bad credit candidates to meet desired sales quotas.
So if your not AAA credit don't worry, visit the website below to contact lenders and dealers who will actually compete for your bad credit car loan.
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